Posted by on 21 févr. 2012 in Définition |

  • Conventional medicine are used by doctors. Depending on the situation surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonal or targeted therapies are used. These are conventional scientifically tested and researched treatments. These treatments can save lives, help people to live longer or reduce their symptoms.
  • Complementary therapies are used alongside, or in addition to medical treatments. They are not claimed to cure. People use them to boost their physical or emotional health. Or to relieve symptoms or side effects.
  • Alternative medicine is used instead of conventional medical treatments, based on personal choices and affinities. By contrast to traditional medicine in Asia for instance, authentic traditional European medicine isn’t well known and is often confused with complementary therapies. However, there has been an effective traditional first care European medicine until the 50s’ too, before conventional medicine. It is not tested in the same way as conventional medical treatments as it is linked to the person, empirical, natural and not based on general nor standard statements. In Switzerland, the Confederation encourages the distinction and preservation of this first care traditional European medicine, which has a several thousands old year history and is free of chemicals.